Our Ministries

Children's Church
We are proud to have a Children's Church that offers wonderful leaders who are passionate in teaching the Bible to your precious gifts the Lord has blessed you with. Children's Church meets during the Worship time. It is for children age 5 through fifth grade.

Children's Sunday school
Sunday school for all ages is available at 9:00 in the morning. Dedicated teacher's prepare a lesson each week for the various age groups from 4 years old through high school.
Due to Covid-19 Sunday school is not being held at this time.
Our Nursery is staffed with one of our church members and a member of Gaffey Health Services who is CPR and First Aid Certified. Our Nursery is for children ages newborn through 4 years old. It is beautifully painted with an underwater theme. Cathy Hawkins RN is our Nursery Director. We welcome you to utilize our Nursery and come to Adult Sunday school and then attend the Worship Service.

Bible Study
Every Thursday morning (except holidays) there is a Men's Group that meets next to the office at 8:30 for about an hour.
There is usually food, and always coffee.
Join us as we explore the deeper truths of the Word.
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School meets at 9:00am on Sunday. Everyone is invited to speak but no one is put on the spot to do so.
It is a well attended lively group.

Women's Ministry
Our Women's Ministry-Lydia Circle usually meets on the second Thursday of the month. Refreshments and sometimes a whole meal is served. There is a time for devotions and sometimes a program. We discuss any new ideas to help our church and families. Most importantly is just spending time with our sisters in Christ. All women of the church and their friends are invited.